Orlando, Florida Home Sales – April 2024

Today, the Orlando Regional REALTOR Association’s published its State of the Market on Orlando, Florida home sales for April 2024.

Orlando, Florida Home Sales

A total of 2,759 homes sold during the month of April 2024. That is 1% less than the 2,766 sales in April 2023. Overall sales rose 7.8% from March 2024 to April 2024. There were 2,759 sales in April, up from 2,559 sales in March. This is the third month in a row that sales have risen.

Median Home Price

The Orlando, Florida median home sales price in April 2024 was $388,500. That is up from $386,500 in March 2024. This is the highest monthly median home price on record in the Orlando metropolitan area. The median home price for April 2024 was 5% higher than April 2023. 

Inventory of Homes for Sale

The number of homes on the market increased by 82% compared to April 2023 and increased by 5% over March 2024. There are currently 9,376 homes listed for sale. This is the fourth month in a row inventory has risen. Buyers are still challenged by the limited number of homes available for sale in the Orlando metropolitan area.

There was an increase in homes for sale, providing a wider selection for potential buyers. Despite the supply remaining slightly over three months, homes are selling quickly, indicating a strong demand. This demand is a positive indicator of market stability. That is expected to continue through the next few months as families look to relocate during the summer season.

Average 30-Year Mortgage

The average 30-year mortgage interest rate in Orlando, Florida for April 2024 was 6.9%. That is up slightly from 6.7% in March 2024. April is the third month in a row that interest rates have risen.

Prior Months' Sales Reports