Home Buyers

Your Oviedo Home Offer is In! What Are Your Chances?

You are writing an offer in one of the hottest small towns in one of the hottest real estate markets in the country, Oviedo, Florida. We know there are multiple, multiple offers and it’s competitive. As a Realtor working with buyers, I would give them my back-of-the napkin, gut feel about how strong their offer is and their odds of it getting accepted. That was based on my years of experience, my read of the situation, and how I see offers coming in for the listing on our own team.

Lease With Right to Purchase

We have helped several families on both sides of the transaction – home buyers and sellers – with the Home Partners of America Lease with Right to Purchase Program. All the details are on their website, https://www.homepartners.com/how-it-works/program-summary. Here’s a brief overview for home buyers:

I’m at the Closing Table – Why Can’t I Have My Keys??

January 28, 2020

Often buyers and sellers are surprised by some of the issues that can pop up within the last few days before closing. Sudden difficulties when you feel like you’re right at the finish line can make what was otherwise a smooth transaction feel like a nightmare. On the Jean Scott Team, we pride ourselves in doing everything we can to prepare our clients for any possible scenario – one of the hurdles most often unexpected is funding.